Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The First Part Last, by Angela Johnson

Last night I was waiting on a file to upload. I'm terrible at waiting. My internet is also terrible...and requires much waiting. So, I'm becoming annoyed and look around for somewhere else to direct my attention when my eyes land on this book. Admittedly, I'm not terribly excited about reading it. Teen pregnancy isn't exactly my first choice in reading material, but I'm required to read this one. Since I'm waiting, impatiently, I might as well read a couple of pages so I can at least feel like I've gotten started. An hour and a half later, with my heart a little bit broken for this young man and my uploaded file completely forgotten, I turn the last page, thinking, "What? That's not the end! What happens when they...??"
Sometimes it is a good thing to read outside your usual choices.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

LM 550

What new technologies would you like to explore in this class? Explain.
I don't suppose most people would consider the library automation system a new technology, but since the ones in use now are new to me, I'm going to say it counts. I worked extensively in the library at my school during my sub days before I was hired full time, but we used a standalone program at that time. The district has since adopted a networked system so that all the libraries now use the same system. Fortunately, Atriuum is the one that was chosen, so I can get a hands on look at it while researching for the automation system project.